Utah Mission Trip (10/02/21)

Today started with us preaching the gospel around the train station near temple square It was here that I met an older woman who had a wagon fool of puppies. She was very easy to talk to, but I was saddened to know that she was homeless. So I gave her a water bottle as soon as I heard that. It was then that I asked her about Jesus and she told me that she was a believer and has been for many years. Not a Mormon, but a full-on Christian who had seen heaven six different times. She said this is all documented but didn’t have those papers with her. I believe it is true and that is why I gave her the microphone to also preach the gospel for a few minutes. It was so wonderful to share her love for the Lord Jesus and that only through Him can we be saved. Patrick and I also talked with a young lady with a mask on. She knew about Jesus and His sacrifice for sins, but wasn’t willing to pray with us for salvation. She did say she would think about what we told her, however. Praise God for our time with her, for it was fruitful.

Later, we talked with a man who was listening to a baseball game through an older radio with an antenna. He was very much interested in the gospel. We spoke against the idolatry in the Catholic church, since he was Catholic for 40 years. To help him understand that praying to idols like Mary and the saint’s statues is wrong, we told him about the first and second commandments. They read, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.” (Exodus 20:3-5) He accepted this message from the Bible and understood that only God deserves to be worshipped. In the end, he received a Bible and prayed with us.

After walking around the temple square, we met up with a car salesman, who was a Mormon. And although we must have talked with him for like 20 minutes, he continually interrupted what we were saying, which made it very difficult to reach him with the gospel. The truth of the matter is that his heart was closed off to the truth of God and only showed little signs of that changing. He did receive the “Mormon Teachings That Go Against The Bible” handout but seemed to take it in order to show respect and leave us. However, our purpose with him and other Mormons was to help him understand there are false teachings in their church. And that God sent his messengers to help him and others know this. Jesus is all we need and His truths are found in the Bible. Truly, He was with us long enough to hear the whole gospel from each one of our mouths. False teachings in the Mormon Church were spoken against. This means seeds were planted, even though it may take some time for them to germinate in his heart.

Walking through Temple Square, where the fountain exists, I saw a young man walking in my direction. It was then that I asked him about his faith in Christ. This led to a beautiful conversation about Jesus and the gospel message about the cross and resurrection. I helped him understand that adding Gethsemane to the cross in the atonement process is a false teaching and another gospel. How we are taught that the law and the prophets were until John the Baptist and that in Hebrews 1 we are told to follow Jesus alone. How the Bible teaches that there is no marriage in heaven, but that Jesus is our bride. That Jesus taught that in heaven, we are like unto angels who are not married. I shared these things and many more things while doing this all out of love and respect. He also took my devotional card and said he would check out my “Daily Christian Devotionals” website and also think about what I told him. It was then that he left that I was escorted off the premises by a security guard for proselytizing. However, it was worth it to reach this young man with the gospel. Amen.

Let us pray:
Oh Lord, thank You for meeting up with the lady with the puppies. It was truly awesome to hear her story and to also hear her testify about You through the loudspeaker. Thank You for the Catholic man that heard the good news of the gospel. It was remarkable to see a 180 happen in his life when it comes to worshipping You alone now and not Mary or the saints. And although the salesman may have been more resistant to the gospel than others we talked to, I am grateful for the time we had to talk to him also. Now, with every day in the harvest there is always one experience that I will never forget. That was the man on temple square. You helped me reach him with much love and respect while sharing gospel truths. He was quick to receive the truth and I give You glory for Him also. Although I may have been escorted off of the temple square for talking to this man, I would not go back and change anything that occurred. You made this happen and I give You glory. I love You, Lord. Amen.

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1 thought on “Utah Mission Trip (10/02/21)”

  1. “His heart was closed off to the truth of God”, says the man there for the express purpose to bash with members of the restored church of Jesus Christ. They have the truth.


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